

Albert SM, King J, Jones JR, Danielson ME, Park Y, Newman AB. Using the Infrastructure of State Aging Services to Promote Prevention Behavior. Prev Chronic Dis. 2018 Jul 5;15:E90. PMCID:PMC6040599

Venditti EM, Zgibor JC, Vander Bilt J, Kieffer LA, Boudreau RM, Burke LE, Glynn NW, Jakicic JM, Smith KJ, Semler LN, Rager JR, Albert SM, Newman AB. Mobility and Vitality Lifestyle Program (MOVE UP): A Community Health Worker Intervention for Older Adults With Obesity to Improve Weight, Health, and Physical Function. Innovation in Aging, 2018, Vol. 2, No. 2, 1–17.

Zgibor JC, Ye L, Boudreau RM, Conroy MB, Vander Bilt J, Rodgers EA, Schlenk EA, Jacob ME, Brandenstein J, Albert SM, Newman AB. Community-based health aging interventions for older adults with arthritis and multimorbidity. J Community Health. 2017 Apr;42(2):390-399. PMID: 27900515. PMCID: 5967256.

Albert SM, Raviotta J, Lin CJ, Edelstein O, Smith KJ. Cost-effectiveness of a statewide falls prevention program in Pennsylvania: Healthy Steps for Older Adults. Am J Manag Care. 2016 Oct;22(10):638-644. PMID: 28557514

Mattos M, Sereika SM, Naples JG, Albert SM.  Differences in Benzodiazepine Receptor Agonist Use in Rural and Urban Older Adults. Drugs – Real World Outcomes, 2016; 3(3): 289-296

Schlenk E., Vander Bilt J., Lo-Ciganic W., Jacob M., Woody S., Conroy M., Kwoh C., Albert S., Boudreau R., Newman A., Zgibor J. (2015). Pilot Enhancement of the Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program with a Healthy Aging Program. Research Gerontol Nursing. 2016;9(3):123-132. PMID: 26501346. PMCID: PMC5861714

Zgibor JC, Schlenk EA, Vater L, Kola S, Vander Bilt J, Woody S, Jacob ME, Lo-Ciganic WH, Brenckle A, Brandenstein J, Kwoh CK, Boudreau R, Albert S, Conroy M, Rodgers E, Newman AB. Partnership Building and Implementation of an Integrated Healthy-Aging Program. Prog Community Health Partnersh. 2016 Spring;10(1):123-32. PMCID:PMC5988248

Jacob, ME., Lo-Ciganic, W-H., Simkin-Silverman, LR., Albert, SM., Newman, AB., Terhorst, L., Vander Bilt, J., Zgibor, JC., Schlenk, E.A.  The preventive services use self-efficacy (PRESS) scale in older women:  development and psychometric properties.   BMC Health Serv Res. 2016;16:71. PMID: 26897364. PMCID: PMC4761175

Stahl ST, Albert SM. Gender differences in physical activity patterns among older adults who fall. Prev Med. 2015 Feb;71:94-100. doi: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2014.12.016. Epub 2014 Dec 20. PMID: 25535677

Albert SM, Edelstein O, King J, Flatt J, Lin CJ, Boudreau R, Newman AB. Assessing the quality of a non-randomized pragmatic trial for primary prevention of falls among older adults. Prev Sci. 2015 Jan;16(1):31-40. doi: 10.1007/s11121-014-0466-2. PMID: 24488533

Conroy MB, Zgibor JC, Simkin-Silverman LR, Donohue JM, Albert SM, et al. (2015) Bundling Preventive Services for Community-Dwelling Seniors: Rationale for Multi-Faceted Public Health Interventions. Primary Health Care. 2015: 5: 203. doi:10.4172/2167-1079.1000203

Stahl ST, Albert SM, Dew MA, Lockovich MH, Reynolds CF 3rd. Coaching in healthy dietary practices in at-risk older adults: a case of indicated depression prevention. Am J Psychiatry. 2014 May;171(5):499-505. doi: 10.1176/appi.ajp.2013.13101373. PMID: 24788282

Robare JF, Bayles CM, Newman AB, Williams K, Milas C, Boudreau R, McTigue K, Albert SM, Taylor C, Kuller LH. The “10 keys” to healthy aging: 24-month follow-up results from an innovative community-based prevention program. Health Educ Behav. 2011 Aug;38(4):379-88. doi: 10.1177/1090198110379575. Epub 2011 Jun 7. PMID: 21652780

Newman AB, Bayles CM, Milas CN, McTigue K, Williams K, Robare JF, Taylor CA, Albert SM, Kuller LH. The 10 keys to healthy aging: findings from an innovative prevention program in the community. J Aging Health. 2010 Aug;22(5):547-66. doi: 10.1177/0898264310363772. Epub 2010 May 21. PMID: 20495156


University of Pittsburgh
Center for Aging and Population Health
130 N Bellefield Ave
Pittsburgh, PA 15213